Christmas Commission 2 Colored in

The Christmas commissions are going fairly quickly. This one didn’t have a great amount of color in the landscaping or the house. Brown/gray siding and gray shingles make it more muted, along with no flowers in front. I lightened up the trees with some white highlights and that helped and the door was a dusky blue. Unusual garage doors and the furniture on the porch add interest. I was pleased with the outcome.

On to the next. Another 10×8, but red brick in pastels.

Christmas Commission 2

Pencil drawing

I have a good start on my second commission. At 10×8, the inking goes pretty quickly even if the layout is more complicated. Such a cute front porch with its sitting area and flower stands. It must me pleasant to sit there among the trees and watch nature go by.

It will be in the mail before Thanksgiving, hopefully giving plenty of time for framing.

Christmas Commission 1 (done)

All done and mailed out

After a lot of fiddling with the trees, this one is done and in the mail. I overdid the foliage on the middle tree and had to lift some out. I added in some yellow ocher and plain yellow and it seemed to help a lot. On to the next two!

New Christmas commission on the board

Inked up
Pencil sketch

I got a Christmas commission last weekend and it is almost done already. It is a simple ranch and only 10″x8″ so both the layout and inking went quickly. With all of the questions concerning mail delivery this year, I want to get it out as soon as possible.

Colorado 2 finished

Just a little bit more work on the mountains

This has sat for a few weeks now and I think it might be close to done. I like the river flow better versus
Colorado I. However, I think the mountain sides still might need a little shadow differentiation so the far end recedes more.. Maybe a light glaze would help. I’m letting this series of paintings sit a bit before varnishing because (yeah) I have a Christmas commission.