Finishing the architectural streetscape


This painting went through a few odd twists. After several days of adding detail that I wasn’t exactly overwhelmed with, I decided to switch gears and paint it up side down.  The painting, not me.  LOL  This would totally change my perspective and I could concentrate on the colors and not be so obsessed with the details. It actually worked pretty well.  I feel like I balanced the composition better.  Not perfect, but certainly better than the barn ended up being.



The first layer

Whoops, I forgot to post yesterday!  All of my days are running together now.  I was planting in my garden since the weatherman has assured me that the frosty weather is over and I just lost track.  I am super sad though because it looks like my lovely Japanese maples are going to succumb to the hard freeze we had recently.  We had planted them when we move in here and the two of them were getting large and nicely shaped.

I decided to try another architectural painting.  I haven’t done one in several years since the catastrophe of the stone barn, but that tree painting gave me some confidence in slapping the old paint on for buildings.  Also, an art video company has been showing hour long segments on youtube from their catalogue of painters and I have learned quite a lot from them.  This is a streetscape from Washington DC when we where there for a memorial service some time ago.

The second day on the tree

Heart tree

After I got the courage to take up the brushes again and add some more paint, this is what turned out.  I really had moments of hesitation over what to do next and spent a lot of time just looking.  I have worked on it several times since that last photo and am not quite sure it is done, particularly in the lower right area, but I am pretty pleased with the results, probably more than with any landscape that I have done so far.