I made some cards instead

So, after giving serious thought to the comments from Leslie and Cindy, I decided to make some blank cards using the smaller tags I showed last post. Since they were too small to be placed on the 5×7 cards I already had, I bought a package of minimum postal size envelopes and cards as well as some archival glue dots and put them together.

blog_cards_4926I must say I am pleased with the results.  I think they look quite nice centered on the cards and still can be framed if so desired before or after mailing.  And no hole punches either.

I decided to mail one to myself before I listed them, just to make sure they can be handled by the postal system without damage.  The watercolor stock paper is on the thick side and I don’t want it to crease in the machinery.  I’m pretty sure it will be okay but I want to test it just to make sure.  I’m hoping it arrives back home today.  If all goes well, I’ll make up the rest of the package and list them online.